Steam & Sauna Buyer's Club


Steam and Sauna Buyer's Club Benefits

Steam & Sauna Buyer's Club

As a reflection of our total commitment to the success of trade professionals, we established the Steam & Sauna Buyer’s Club. The Buyer’s Club provides professionals with a variety of benefits such as industry-leading wholesale pricing, year-end rebates, project leads, technical and design assistance, same-day parts shipping, and much more to help grow your business.


The Buyer’s Club was developed by Accurate Industries to ensure the success and profitability of the professionals we work with. As a member, you benefit from a proven, innovative, and cost-effective approach to creating awe-inspiring bathing spaces. The Buyer’s Club provides you with the necessary support to ensure that each project exceeds your client’s expectations.


Backed by the strength of Accurate Industries, you are provided with a comprehensive range of services to further the success of your brand. Steam and Sauna Buyer’s Club benefits include industry-leading discounts, expert technical assistance, design assistance, year-end rebates, same-day shipping, and access to our extensive inventory of products in our master-stocking distribution center.


Every day, homeowners and commercial facilities contact us to build and service their bathing spaces. We refer these projects to qualified Buyer’s Club members as a commitment to help grow your business and ensure the satisfaction of bathers who contact us for assistance.